Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Local runners raise thousands for diabetes research - WQOW TV News 18

Eau Claire (WQOW) - A pair of local runners will be heading overseas next week to take part in the London Marathon. But the women aren't just racing for themselves. They've raised thousands of dollars to help fund research for a cause they believe in. Next Sunday, they'll lace up their running shoes as part of an international team running the race for The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

"We have gotten notes from our colleagues in Dubai who are facing really hot scorching temperatures, having a real hard time staying hydrated. Meanwhile, Karen and I are here freezing our eyelashes off going out in three layers at least of insulation," said Natalie Hanson of Eau Claire.

Hanson and Mayo Clinic Health System pediatrician Dr. Karen Myhre are two Eau Claire women on a mission. They'll head overseas Wednesday to participate in the London Marathon. This pair will join up with the rest of their team and together, they'll run to raise money for the JDRF.

"I often get the privilege of taking care of kids with type one diabetes, and where I'm most likely to meet them is when they're just being diagnosed in the hospital, which is a hard time."

"My sister is 7 years older than me, and she is my only sibling, and she was diagnosed at the age of three with type one diabetes," Myhre explained. "The only way she could check her blood sugar at the age of three was to use urine testing, which is very awkward, it's very imprecise. And now, it's come from that to she has a meter that she can look at that is continually checking her blood sugar."

So far, the running partners have been able to raise $10,000 for the JDRF, all in the 10 weeks since they found out they would be making the trip.

"Karen and I are so humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support that our family and friends and colleagues, running partners have shown us. Every penny will actually be used to help fund awareness, and research, and hopefully a cure for type I diabetes," Hanson said.

35,000 runners are expected to turn up for the London Marathon. The women you just met are two of only six American runners who will race next Sunday. If you would like to donate to their cause, click here for Dr. Myhre or here for Hanson's website.

Via: Foods with less processing, food with more nutrients

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