Friday, May 24, 2013

Medical professional. John: Shingles, ticks, Celiac Condition - 9NEWS. com.

KUSA - Dr. John Torres from Premier Urgent Care answers your questions every week. If you have some medical question for Dr. John, send it so that you can mornings@9news. com and make sure to have Ask Dr. John inside subject line.

Topic #1 I am a retired male in excellent health. I have previously had my flu & shingles shot. My curious question is = Can people have the shingle virus and won't look on the skin spot. Seniors talk about several things. P. S. Curiosity can have killed the cat, it also can save a people. Ron

Answer There is a lot of confusion on the subject of what causes shingles choice rashes. These rashes are medically called "herpes zoster" as they are cause by the same varicella-zoster virus which induces chicken pox. There is not a shingles virus by per se. Instead, shingles is brought on by the same chicken pox virus someone was already familiar with earlier in life. In case you get chicken pox and live through it the virus producing it never really goes away. It stays hidden out in the body until years later as soon as it re-emerges causing shingles as well as the shingles rash. If this rash does break out it's important to remember that although you cannot pass shingles on to another person, the liquid inside rash blisters does secure the active chicken pox strain. That means you might pass chicken pox onto someone else, especially some of those most vulnerable, the really young, very old or some people that have immune system issues that weren't come across chicken pox up to now or that did not find the chicken pox vaccine. Although more often than not shingles does break out towards a rash it's possible that this rash won't erupt and instead someone will simply notice pain in specified body areas. This soreness, and the rash, are one side of the body and usually follow a band just like pattern either wrapping available your trunk or moving up or down a limb. Whether a rash or maybe just the pain associated using shingles, treatment can supply to help ensure your pain doesn't endure above the limited time in the outbreak itself.

Question #2 It is that season again when ticks start developing. There are a great deal of "old wives tales", but what is one way to remove a tick? Does DEET are a tick repellent? Thanks a lot Kent

Answer This is the time of the year when we start to experience far more tick bites. This happens both because ticks start to obtain more active with the warmer weather and we start to obtain additional contact with them because were going outside more this point of the year. This particular combination means we'll be getting more tick gnaws. Unfortunately ticks can spread disease as well as the longer they stay attached to our skin a lot more likely it is that'll they might cause problems. So removing them as quickly as possible is important for both us and our kids. Before venturing outdoors some actions to minimize tick hits include wearing light gorgeous clothing and long trousers you tuck into a boots. Deet, at 20% concentrations or higher can provide some protection against tick bites but won't eliminate all of them. Permetherin is also approved for this specific purpose but should only be taken on clothing and circuitously on the skin. If you do find an attached tick don't try many of the "old wives tales" including putting petroleum jelly in the tick or burning it with a match. These techniques can lead to the tick to regurgitate the country's stomach contents into the actual skin which can increase your risks of getting infections. The best way to avoid the tick is to apply small tweezers and grab the tick as near to your skin as conceivable. Then use steady, even upward pressure before the tick is detached. Do not jerk the tick off as this will increase the possibilities of leaving behind mouth parts which might be imbedded in the skin area. Once the tick is removed clean the place, and your hands, using soap and water or even rubbing alcohol.

Question #3 Dr. Torres, I was finally identified as having Celiac Disease after 8 years of doctors wanting to figure it out! I realize the symptoms mimic very much if other diseases, but an uncomplicated blood test is certain. Since more and more folks are showing up with this particular or 'gluten intolerance' let's more doctors use the following blood test especially seeing that this disease is inherited? Also will the problems and diarrhea eventually abate along with the intestines heal following a GF diet? Judy

Answer There are two different conditions that we should discuss. The first is normally Celiac Disease. With this problem the body's own immune system attacks the small gut when gluten is taken damaging it's lining. Celiac disease are usually detected with a simple blood test which can be up to 90% exact. On the other hand there is no one test that can detect gluten sensitivity effectively. It's also known as non celiac gluten sensitivity and someone affected by it tends to have symptoms akin to those with Celiac Disease but without worrying about the changes to the digestive system or the positive maintain tests. Symptoms of gluten sensitivity is usually non-descript things like head pain or increased fatigue. Gluten sensitivity cannot usually be detected with a blood test so usually a food elimination trial shall be done. This is accomplished through the elimination of gluten from the healthy eating plan and seeing if signs improve. With both Celiac Condition and gluten sensitivity eliminating gluten from the diet will help increase symptoms. Healing of your intestine, in the event of Celiac Disease, will take place but could take weeks or even months once gluten is faraway from the diet.

Via: Celiac disease

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