Friday, February 22, 2013

China Admits Pollution Has Caused Cancer Communities - Company...

Flickr/Richard Johnson Pictures of the day: 22 February 2013 Senator who tried to impeach Clinton admits lovechild Coach: Oscar Pistorius could be back in training in a few days The Chinese government has accepted for the very first time that decades of reckless pollution have spawned a chain of harmful "cancer villages." Flickr/Richard Johnson The entrance by China's Environment ministry came in a five-year intend on fixing pollution. aIn the past few years, dangerous and hazardous chemical pollution has caused many environmental problems, cutting off drinking water supplies, and even resulting in social issues and severe health such as for example acancer villagesaa the document says. Environmentalists have long campaigned for the us government to support and recognise the a huge selection of cancer clusters brought on by poisoned soil, water or air. In 2009, Deng Fei, an investigative journalist served to plot a number of the worst-hit towns on a Google map. aI do think this shows an optimistic development,a said Ma Jun, certainly one of Chinaas leading environmentalists. aThe recognition of the existence of problems is the very first step and the precondition for all of us to really start fixing these problems.a aBefore there was always this tendency to play down as well as mask the issues. If that continues then every one of these problems with air, soil, water and groundwater pollution and their health impact might move on for a, long time.a The plan outlines a clampdown on the use and production of 58 kinds of hazardous substance. aThe document warns that China faces a serious situation with regards to chemical pollution control, citing limited pollution risk control by companies, deficiencies in systematic policies to restrict the making and usage of highly toxic and dangerous substances and authoritiesa inadequate pollution monitoring and oversight capabilities,a state news agency Xinhua noted on Friday. The planas distribution comes amid a growing public outcry over the cost pollution is taking on public health. Cancer is now China's biggest killer, and cancer rates have increased because the beginning of China's economic miracle. One in four Chinese now die from cancer, and there's been an 80pc rise in the mortality rate from cancer over the past 30 years. Experts estimate that lung cancer rates will continue steadily to increase as a result of polluting of the environment, even though China's obsession with cigarettes is brought under control. Since January, recurring rounds of harmful smog in Beijing and other major cities have pushed the issue of air pollution to the top of Chinaas political agenda. The focus has changed underground, with a number of local media reports how plants are apparently moving huge quantities of toxic waste into groundwater supplies this month. The headlines were hit by the issue of groundwater pollution after Mr Deng launched an on line strategy welcoming internet-users to publish images of polluted rivers near their houses. Mr Deng said he was apetrifieda by their state of Chinaas rivers. aIf things keep on like this, we will all be doomed,a he explained. aIf the matter [of soil water pollution] is not correctly solved, not only will kill people to it but it'll also pull down the whole healthcare system because of the number of cancer patients it causes.a Ma Jun, who runs the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, explained government officials had traditionally claimed there clearly was inadequate scientific evidence to link acancer clustersa and pollution. While more research was required to establish a better connection, Mr Ma said China urgently had a need to follow in the actions of the Usa and Japan by using aprecautionarya procedures. aWe can not just say that until every one of these links have already been shown 100 percent, scientifically and clinically, [we do nothing].a Mr Ma said the governmentas acknowledgment of acancer villagesa was element of an ongoing shift towards greater environmental transparency. aRecently the government, especially the central government, has been more open about these environmental pollution issues, much more open than before. Medical effect was previously considered a highly sensitive issue as it matters to (political) stability.a SEE ALSO:A These Pictures Show Why China's Smog Problem Is Wholly Unmanageable

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